Elizabeth Stewart Clark & Company

A Quick Note

CivSym2015WebJust a quick reminder: you still have time to get “Early Bird” registration discounts for the Harrisburg Symposium, but only for a few more days.

The full price is a great deal, but the Early Bird has extra dollars to spend in the Merchant Hall, and that’s a lot better than worms, don’t you think?

Registration information is at the Genteel Arts website. Click through to visit, or click on the image to be delivered by that route!

About The Sewing Academy
With a focus on the 1840-1865 era, The Sewing Academy is your home on the (internet) range for resources to help you meet your living history goals!

Elizabeth Stewart Clark has been absorbed by the mid-19th century for over 20 years. She makes her home in the Rocky Mountains with her husband, four children (from wee to not-so-wee), far too many musical instruments, and five amusing hens.

Email Elizabeth Or call 208-523-3673 (10am to 8pm Mountain time zone, Monday through Saturday)
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